USD Cost/user/month, billed annually
$15 - $200
Audio or Video recording time length

Record up to 90 minutes/video, 4 hours/audio
Record up to 90 minutes audio/video
Data retention
Unlimited, active license
90 days
Video or Audio recording minutes
Automatic recording upload for Zoom, Teams, Google Meet
Transcript accuracy rate (>95%)
Multi-speaker ID (detect >4 speakers)
Reliability, speed (1 hr video, 15 min processing)
Readable ParagraphsTM separates long paragraphs into short paragraphs for better comprehension. Great for podcasts, lectures, long talks, digital accessibility
Outlook, Google calendar integration
Invited meeting attendance bot
Coming soon
Web browser mic recording (no meeting bot required)
Collaborative meetings (shared notes, comments, highlights, tags, snippets, reactions)
Workspace. Central dashboard with shared team recordings, insights, comments and questions.
Video recording, playback, timeline
Shared video/audio highlight clips
Playlist collections (video, audio, text clips)
Speaker contact directory with all recorded call/meeting history, sentiment, analytics
2 click auto-fill CRM field (tasks, events, notes). CRM record sync.
$200/Mo. No 2-click auto-fill
Meeting notes (before, live, after)
AI-Meeting GemsTM finds and auto-extracts insights, takeaways, and meeting action items by speaker
Manual edit, 30% longer
AI-GemsTM extracts what's important to buyers in sales calls, customer interviews, voice of customer
AI-Custom Topic Trackers™ auto-extract mentions of what's important by speaker. Context or exact words.
No context finder
In-meeting voice commands. Automatically create tasks, issues, risks, priorities, decisions, or custom alerts.
AI paired question-response™ insights for improved engagement.
Advanced, global search & export results (across all recordings)
Conversation feedback dashboard (sentiment, talk metrics)
Fast help (Chat, email support, live support, help center)